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About Rotary District 5610's
End Human Trafficking Initiative

more than that, hence this project aimed at addressing the crime of human trafficking starting with our District.  Our project is in draft, but our goal is to provide a resource packet to businesses in our area.  An informal, yet informative, training package specifically targeted at defining human trafficking, explaining signs of it, responding if observed, and what vulnerabilities exist that lead to a person being victimized by

In case you're not familiar with Rotary, it is a nongovernmental organization and global network of 1.2 million passionate people who unite and take action to creating lasting change in our communities.  We are 110 years old and since 1979 the hallmark of Rotary is the drive to eradicate polio in the world.  However, it's much

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trafficking.  Rotarians provide service to others and advance peace through fellowship and businesses, professionally, and through community leaders.  We intend to leverage this connection to promote the overall awareness of this crime that is indeed happening in our Rotary District.  

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